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The Recovery Lab Sponsorship Levels

The Recovery Lab

Sponsorship Levels

Equine Therapy For Military Individuals

The Idea

Percentage Dollar Amounts of Maintenance Costs for the Horses, including Tack and any Medications or Emergent Medical Care

This amount would be calculated using the following:

Sponsorship Amount = Percentage Of Level x

Operation Costs
  • New Donor Amounts: New donor amounts are recalculated annually on January 1st. If expenses for maintaining the horses, including tack, medications, or emergent medical care, were lower than in previous years, the payment remains static and does not decrease. Donations for new and existing donors only increase if there are raises in costs.
  • Existing Donor Amounts: Existing donor amounts are recalculated on different frequencies:
    • Monthly Donors: Every 2 years.
    • Yearly Donors: Every 4 years.
  • Change in Payment Type: Any change to the payment type, such as switching from Monthly to Yearly or Yearly to Monthly, automatically uses the new donor amount.

Donation Levels

Level Horse Maintenance Donation (%) Monthly* ($) Annually** ($)
First Stepping Supporter 1 10 120
Walking Supporter 5 50 600
Trotting Supporter 10 100 1,200
Cantering Supporter 25 250 3,000
Galloping Supporter 50 500 6,000
Champion Supporter 100 1.000 12,000

All Donors

All donors can pick a horse to sponsor. They can also choose to sponsor more than one horse at the level, which would give them access to the perks for each horse.

When choosing to donate:

  • Choose donation amount
  • Choose a horse to sponsor

Can be interesting metric for sponsor events, when deciding on which horses to bring.

Every level of sponsorship for a single horse allows the benefits from previous level as well

First Stepping Supporters ($10/mo. per horse)

• Access to monthly emailed newsletter about each horse that they sponsor. 

  • Including pictures of them at the facilities
  • Include discussions on how the horses helped someone that month, could be very surface level discussions of the groups that were done and how the horse contributed.

• Yearly small gift

Walking Supporters ($50/mo. per horse)

• Invitation to annual sponsor event for (sponsored horse)

  • 1-Hour of time with horse in arena on a Saturday morning

• Medium annual gift

• All the previous

Trotting Supporters ($100/mo. per horse)

• 1-hour 1-on-1 supervised meet-and-greet with the horse annually

• Annual medium gift

• All the previous

Cantering Supporters ($250/mo. per horse)

• 3 1-hour 1-on-1 sessions with sponsored horse annually

• Invitation to annual sponsor dinner

• Medium gifts annually

Galloping Supporters ($500/mo. per horse)

• Access to the schedule of the horse

• Access to horse during weekends

• May reserve time with the horse with 1-week notice, pending calendar invitation

• Invitation to annual sponsor dinner with recognition

• Large annual gift

• Mention on the website

Champion Supporters ($1,000/mo. per horse)

• Access to the horse 24/7 when horse does not have scheduled meet-ups or check-ups

• Priority 0 on reservations of time for 1-on-1 with horse

• Large gift annually

• Mention on the website

The Recovery Lab

Office closed all federal holidays and hours generally M-F: 8:00AM-6:00PM, Call us today for further information!

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